Save when you buy the complete set of 48 stamps. Complete set of 48 Black Heritage Stamps: #1744 1771 1804 1875 2016 2044 2073 2137 2203 2249 2371 2402 2442…
A Complete Set of 20 Legends of Hollywood stamps includes: MARILYN MONROE (1995) JAMES DEAN (1996) HUMPHREY BOGART (1997) ALFRED HITCHCOCK (1998) JAMES CAGNEY (1999) EDWARD G. ROBINSON (2000) LUCILLE BALL(2001) CARY GRANT (2002) AUDREY HEPBURN (2003) JOHN…
39¢ From PSA pane of 20. With base of denomination higher than year date. Sheet stamp, serpentine die cut 11¼x11.…
Block of four, sheet stamp, serpentine die cut 11¼x11. Denomination higher than year date. Mint and never hinged.…
39¢ #4105-4108, With base of denomination even with year date. Convertible booklet stamp, serpentine die cut 11¼x11½ on 2 or 3 sides.…
39¢ 4105-4108, With base of denomination even with year date. Convertible booklet stamp, serpentine die cut 11¼x11½ on 2 or 3 sides.…
39¢ With base of denomination even with year date. Vending machine booklet stamps, serpentine die cut 11¼x11 on 2 or 3 sides.…
39¢ With base of denomination even with year date. Vending machine booklet stamps, serpentine die cut 11¼x11 on 2 or 3 sides.…
39¢ #4109-4112 With base of denomination even with year date. Vending machine booklet stamps, serpentine die cut 11¼x11 on 2 or 3 sides.…
39¢ #4111-4112 & 2 each #4109-4110. With base of denomination even with year date. Vending machine booklet stamps, serpentine die cut 11¼x11 on 2 or 3 sides.…
39¢ #4109-2110 & 2 each #4111-4112. With base of denomination even with year date. Vending machine booklet stamps, serpentine die cut 11¼x11 on 2 or 3 sides.…
Block of four from PSA ATM pane of 18 (four designs), 39¢ denomination. Serpentine die-cut 8.…
Block of four from PSA ATM pane of 18 (four designs), 39¢ denomination. Serpentine die-cut 8.…
Mint and never hinged. Issued: Jan 10, 2007. With her gift for pitch and rhythm, and more than …
These souvenir sheets were NOT available in post offices or philatelic windows. The issue quantity of 2 million sheets is a small fraction of normal issues.…
Two single stamps from the souvenir sheet.These souvenir sheets were NOT available in post offices or philatelic windows. The issue quantity of 2 million is a…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from convertible booklet of 20. Avery Dennison printing and 16 mm wide bell, large bold gold microprinted 2.5mm "Forever". Die Cut…
Issued 22 August 2008. (42¢) "Forever" Liberty Bell Avery printed self-adhesive booklet stamp, dated "2008". Die cut 11.3 x 10.9, Large (2.5mm) "FOREVER" microprinting with a colored background.…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from double-sided convertible booklet of 20 #4125e. 2009 year date and 16mm bell. Avery Dennison printing and Issued: August 7, 2009.…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from convertible booklet of 20. Ashton Potter printing and 16mm wide bell, small microprinted "Forever". 2007 year date. Die cut 11.3x10.9…
(42¢) "Forever" Liberty Bell Ashton-Potter printed self-adhesive booklet stamp, dated "2008". Single from convertible booklet pane of 20 #4126c. Issued 22 August 2008. Die cut 11.3 x 10.9. Small…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from convertible booklet of 20 #4126e. Ashton Potter printing. 2009 year date and small microprinted "Forever", 16mm wide Bell. Issued…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from convertible booklet of 20. "2007" year date. Sennett Security Products printing, 15mm wide bell, medium 1.8mm microprinted "Forever". Die Cut…
From #BK304. Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from vending book of 20. Issued: April 12, 2007. Sennett Security Products printing, Medium (1.8mm) "FOREVER" with a colored background, 15mm…
12 October 2009 Scott Catalog number change. #4127f changed to 4127d.Non-denominated (42¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from convertible booklet of 20 #4127g. Die Cut 11.3 x 10.9, …
#4127e , Sennett Printing, with solid tagging on the front and uneven tagging on the back.…
Scott Catalog number change 28 September 2009. #4127j changed to #4127f.Non-denominated (42¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp with small 2008 year date from vending book of 20 #BK304a. Printed by…
Scott Catalog number change 28 September 2009. #4127m changed to 4127i.(44¢) Forever Stamp (Liberty Bell), 2009 Convertible Booklet Single from #4127n. Dated "2009" year date in copper. 15mm wide…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from ATM pane of 18 #4128a. Mint and never hinged. Issued 12 April 2007.…
Non-denominated (41¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from ATM pane of 18 #4128a. Mint and never hinged. Issued 12 April 2007.…
Reprint issued 24 February 2009 with "2009" year date. Non-denominated (42¢) Liberty Bell booklet stamp from ATM pane of 18 #4128c. Mint and never hinged.…
Non-denominated (41¢) sheet stamp. Water activated perforated 11¢. Microprinted "USPS". Ashton Potter printing. Mint and never hinged.…
Non-denominated (41¢) self-adhesive from pane of twenty stamps. Serpentine die cut 11¼x10¾. Microprinted "USPS". Ashton Potter printing. Mint and never hinged. 15 Jan 2008 Sold…
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